Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Mari is talking a lot more now...she has to tell you who everyone is, what everything is, and who it belongs to. When she wakes up, she points to her blankie and says "nana", points to her bear and says pooh, points to me and says mama, points to herself and says mari, and so on. Lots of fun!
Fourth of July 09 we spent at Lake Metigoshi with Erik, Teal, Barrett, Billie and Carter Myre. Mari had lots of fun in the water and running around. She needs to learn to share with Barrett a little better and not hit her.
Quick note-this morning when I was giving Mari a bath, she pointed to her tummy and said "poop". And she did, right there. Ahh, the joys of being a mommy. :)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

15 month checkup!

This morning Mari and I went to see Dr. Messerly for her 15 month checkup. She is getting taller-she is in the 90% now! Her weight is still on 30% 21lbs. Dr said she is doing great! Of course we have the dreaded shots...the worst part is being held down. We both survived and Mari got some Teddy Grahams and a sticker to help her feel better. Also, it never fails..every trip to the doctor's office and Mari gives me a "surprise" in ther pants!

We all love being outside more now that the weather is getting better. Mari hates to come in!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Easter weekend, Mari and I went went to Rugby Friday night while dad went hunting with Tana. Mari was very scared of the cat, but by the end of weekend Mari even touched the cat! She had a great time at the easter egg hunt at Ellery Park. She loved picking up the eggs and putting them in her basket. Mari loves walking on her own all over outside.

That weekend grandpa jerome ran all over looking for a banana for his sweetie. He came up with this parfait and she loved it!

Easter Sunday we went to church and then to Grandma Sandy's for lunch.

Mom, Mari and I went to Minneapolis the next weekend since we didn't get to see Aunt Jaime and Uncle Mike at easter. Mari loved running down the hall at the hotel and making noise the whole time! She also loved riding in the elevator. She is getting so "independent". She doesn't want you to feed her or carry her anymore. She is turning into a toddler.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Mari's first birthday!

Mari is 1! Hard to believe, the last year has been so fun! She had her first ear infection the day before her birthday. She had a fever of about 101 for 2 days so I took her in. I had no idea she had an ear infection, the really didn't even complain. Dr. messerly gave her some amoxicillin and that took care of things thankfully!

Her birthday party was Feb 7, Saturday. In attendance we had Grandma and pa Schiff, Grandma and pa Melgaard, Grandma Sandy, Uncle Jon, Aunt Melissa, Uncle Dan, and Kaiden. She had a great time. She picked her little cake right up and ate it! She got some great presents and of course loved the paper!
I just love the picture of her eating the pickle at the party. She got so much attention that she just kept doing it and making funny faces! She is getting more "independent"-if she doesn't want to be held then she won't be!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Here is a picture of Mari enjoying her first Thanksgiving. She really liked the pumpkin pie. She started to cry when I stopped feeding her!

Mari has been walking for over a month nowothing is safe anymore! She loves to go up and down the stairs which her really scares her mom and dad. :) Her first Christmas was lots of fun. We went to Grandma and Grandpa Schiff's for Christmas Eve and Grandma Sandy's on Christmas Day. We celebrated with Grandpa Mel and Diane the weekend after.New Years Eve we went to the Bogdens and little Miss Mari stayed up until 11:30!

Mari has 4 teeth now (the top 2 haven't completely poked out yet).

I was reading her five littles monkeys yesterday and it seemed liked she was singing along. The other night I went up stairs because she was crying in her crib and it looked like she was trying to escape because she had both legs hanging out! She is a very happy baby. She loves daycare and playing with her friends there. We are starting to ween her off the bottle. She has found her spots where she likes to "take care of business". :) She really likes music. Her favorite foods are yogurt, bananas, cheerios, and crackers.