Saturday, February 25, 2012

What happened the last 2 years...

Well, I guess I forgot about this little project. Here are a few things that happened in the last 2 years.

I took a job as the pharmacy manager at CVS. Cody is working at Farstad Oil. We went to my brother's wedding in sept 2010. He and his wife Allie just had a little girl named Susie. Of course our biggest news...Jackson Carter was born July 21, 2011. Last March my parents announced they were getting divorced. A lot more happened, but that's all that comes to mind right now.

Mari just turned 4! She just told me she is either going to be a hotel builder, trampoline fixer, or a fire fighter when she grows up. She really enjoys daycare. Her favorite thing is being a big sister. She LOVES Jackson, sometimes too much...:)

Jackson is a crazy little guy. He started the belly crawl at 5 mos and by 6 mos he was full out crawling. At 6 1/2 months he was pulling himself up on everything!

Cody and I had the great idea to run a 5K called "too cold to hold a 5K" it was about 20 degrees so it was cold! I was just happy to finish!

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